Jacksonville, Florida, USA downtown city skyline on St. Johns River.

School Bus Accidents

During the school year and summer camp season, school buses of all sizes and colors are commonly seen on Florida's roads, streets, and highways. It is interesting and disconcerting at the same time to observe and read about school bus accidents and crashes. Many school buses are large and bright yellow and orange. How a driver does not see a school bus before it is too late is certainly difficult to comprehend; however, school bus crashes take place in most communities throughout the State of Florida. There are also school bus crashes that are the fault of the supposedly trained and alert school bus driver.

It is important for all drivers including those driving near a school bus and those driving school buses to be alert and to drive safely according to the road and traffic conditions. Otherwise, crashes will take place which, in turn, cause personal injuries to the children, students, and other drivers and passengers on Florida roads. The Code of Federal Regulations has school bus passenger setting and crash protection requirements in place. It is important that the school, day care center, summer camp, transportation company, and others providing school bus transpiration for children comply with the applicable State and Federal Regulations.

Section 316.6145 (1) (a) Florida Statutes requires that each school bus that is purchased new after December 31, 2000, and used to transport students in grades pre-K through 12 must be equipped with safety belts or with any other restraint system approved by the Federal Government in a number sufficient to allow each student who is being transported to use a separate safe belt or restraint system.

Section 316.172 (1) (a) Florida Statutes provides that any person using, operating, or driving a vehicle on or over the roads or highways of this state, shall, upon approaching any school bus which displays a stop signal, bring such vehicle to a full stop while the bus is stopped, and the vehicle shall not pass the school bus until the signal has been withdrawn.

It is important the the above Florida Statutes and others pertaining to school bus safety as well as school bus stop safety be followed. Certainly, the safety of passengers of school buses should a paramount concern in the community.

When a child is injured is injured as a result of a school bus crash, it is important for the child to have proper legal representation in place to protect and enforce the legal rights of the injured child. David A. Wolf is an attorney, author, and advocate. He has been fighting for the rights of children for over 30 years. He is the author of a number of book including the book titled When the Wheels Stop Spinning - Legal Rights of the Injured Child - What Parents Need to Know After the Accident.

In the aftermath of a school bus crash with personal injuries, there are a number of challenges presented to the injured child and the family of the injured child. Insurance, medical bills, medical treatment, and other issues arise which must be handled in a timely and informed manner. It is important that the parents of the injured child get the necessary advice and guidance so that the child obtains timely medical care and so that the medical bills are submitted and processed in a manner that does not unduly burden the parents of the child.

David A. Wolf provides a FREE CONSULTATION for all school bus accidents and injuries. Get D Wolf On Your Side - At Your Side. David A. Wolf handles school bus personal injury cases on a contingency basis. If there is no financial recovery, there is no charge by David A. Wolf for attorney fees or costs. It is tough enough dealing with the aftermath of the a school bus accident. With a FREE CONSULTATION and a contingency fee agreement, a parent of an injured child does not need to pay any money up front or during the pendency of the case.

Client Reviews
I was in need of legal advice and David was there to assist. I was given advice most attorneys would charge outrageous fees for. When I called David promptly replied, got a grasp of my issue and gave wonderful advice and then referred me to someone who could better handle my issue. I would highly recommend him and if anything else comes up, my first call will be to him. Tracey