Wage Loss Compensation
When a person suffers personal injuries as a result of an automobile accident / car crash, slip and fall, premise liability, dog bite, or some other kind of traumatic event or incident, there can and often is a significant disruption to the injury victim's work schedule and income production. Insurance companies are businesses with policies and procedures. Before funds are disbursed or reserved for damages including wage loss, documentation must be produced to substantiate the damages. Even with the production of documentation, insurance companies may still refuse to honor or value part or whole of a wage loss claim for a variety of reasons OR for no reasonable reason at all. If an injury victim returns to work soon after a traumatic event, the insurance company may argue that the injuries were minor seeing that the injury victim returned right back to work. If an injury victim remains out of work for an extended period of time, the insurance company may argue that the injury victim is malingering.
Jacksonville wage loss compensation lawyer David A. Wolf understands the value and importance of employment, income production, and the inmate need to support oneself and a family. Since the age of 14, David A. Wolf has worked full time. Many jobs were labor intensive including a position with a landscaping company and, yes, a position with fast food giant McDonald's. While David A. Wolf is no longer digging holes or flipping hamburgers, he appreciates the work effort and ethic of his clients and takes all reasonable actions to pursue compensation for the wage loss for his clients. Here are some factors that are considered when handling or evaluating wage loss claims:
- Did the injury victim hold a full time or part time job prior to the traumatic event?
- What income is reflected on tax returns for the current years and prior years?
- What is the occupation of the injury victim?
- What are the physical requirements of the injury victim's occupation?
- Does the injury victim get paid a salary, salary plus commission, or just commission only?
- How long has the injury victim been employed in the current position?
- Is there a doctor's note or recommendation to the injury victim to cease work or limit the work schedule previously in place?
In many cases, wage loss is not collected until the case is concluded. As such, many injury victims need to wait until the funds are collected which can take months or even a year or longer in some cases. Even though there is pain, discomfort, and suffering, an injury victim will often return to work before treatment is concluded and even before ongoing work is recommended by the treating doctor because of the necessity of earning an income and the necessity of supporting oneself and the injury victim's family. Certainly, a traumatic event like an automobile accident / car crash or other incidents can take a toll on the injured victim, his or her job / occupation, and the family.
It is important that the injury victim discuss the work challenges and situation with the treating medical providers and get advice from the medical providers as to whether the job presents risks to the health and / or safety of the injury victim.
Contact David A. Wolf, a Jacksonville wage loss compensation lawyer with over 30 years of experience handling personal injury claims including claims involving wage loss. Get D Wolf - On Your Side - At Your Side.