Jacksonville, Florida, USA downtown city skyline on St. Johns River.

Car Wreck Claims

When a person suffers an injury as as result of a car wreck or automobile accident, a claim or case can be pursued on behalf of the injury victim. Based in Jacksonville, Florida, attorney David Wolf represents injured persons throughout the State of Florida. Florida has special laws in place that specifically apply to car wrecks and accident. As such, it is important to get an attorney in place who has the skill, knowledge, work ethic, and resources to protect and enforce your legal rights.

In Florida, people often get confused when they hear the fact that Florida is a No-Fault State regarding automobile accident claims. It should be noted that the "No-Fault" laws only apply to the type and amount of automobile insurance that is required and how medical bills are paid for up front. There is also a requirement that an injury victim have a "permanent" injury to recover damages for pain, suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, and mental anguish. The "No Fault" laws do not prohibit an injury victim from pursuing a case or claim for damages caused by an automobile accident or car wreck due to the negligence or fault of another driver.

Automobile accident attorney David Wolf is the author of 12 books including the book titled - Florida Automobile Accidents - Personal Injuries - Keys to Protecting and Enforcing Your Legal Rights. The book has chapters on Medical Bills and Insurance, Common Questions, Automobile Insruance, Compensation and Settlement, and other topics. The book addresses the answers to many questions including:

  • Who is responsible for paying the medical bills following an automobile accident?
  • What types of automobile insurance are required in the State of Florida?
  • What types of automobile insurance are available in the State of Florida?
  • How does PIP work? What are the time requirements to received PIP benefits?
  • Should documents and relesaes be signed for the insurance company?
  • How does an insurance company value a personal injury case?

You can get this book for free by completing the Contact Us form on this website. David Wolf distributes his books for free to provide clients and prospective clients information and tips to keep in mind in the aftermath of an accident. Unfortunately, far too many accident victims waive their legal rights or otherwise take actions that ultimately affect the value of the personal injury case.

Over the past 30 years, David Wolf has handled a wide array of personal injury and car wreck cases including those that involve just a few months of treatment to those that require a life time of treatment. It is important that injury victims get treated in a timely manner by medical providers who understand how to treat and document the traumatic injuries caused by a car wreck or automobile accident.

David Wolf offers a Free Consultation on all personal injury cases including those related to car wrecks and accidents involving a truck, motorcycle, bicycle, or pedestrian. Get D Wolf On Your Side At Your Side. If David Wolf accepts a car wreck case, he will do so on a contingency basis (No Recovery - No Attorney Fees or Costs).

Client Reviews
I was in need of legal advice and David was there to assist. I was given advice most attorneys would charge outrageous fees for. When I called David promptly replied, got a grasp of my issue and gave wonderful advice and then referred me to someone who could better handle my issue. I would highly recommend him and if anything else comes up, my first call will be to him. Tracey