
Drowsy Driving Car Accident

Many people immediately think of alcohol or drug usage when considering the topic of "impaired driving". However, it is far more common to have a drowsy driver on the road and it can be just as dangerous as having a driver under the influence of alcohol or drugs on the roads, streets, and highways. As a personal injury attorney with over 30 years of experience, David Wolf has seen his share of automobile accidents and personal injuries that could have been avoided if the driver was alert, oriented, and not drowsy at the time of the crash. Based in Jacksonville, Florida, car accident attorney David Wolf handles personal injury, automobile / car accident cases, and wrongful death cases throughout the State of Florida. He is the author of 12 books including the book titled - Florida Automobile Accidents - Personal Injuries - Keys to Protecting and Enforcing Your Legal Rights.

There are one or more reasons that a driver falls asleep or is less than attentive due to drowsiness while driving. These reasons include the following:

  • Untreated sleep disorders;
  • Temporary or chronic illness causing sleep deprivation;
  • Use of alcohol or drugs (prescription and non-prescription);
  • Shift work (leading to inconsistent sleep and sleep patterns); and
  • Limited sleep (due to work, school, or personal projects).

Drowsiness can cause automobile accidents since it can slow reaction time to turn, brake, or make an evasive action during driving. Drowsiness can also affect the ability of the driver to make good, timely, and sensible decisions while driving. Drowsiness is also a form of distracted driving in that the full attention of the driver is not on the task at hand - driving.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that drowsy driving is a major risk and danger to others. Furthermore, there are tragic results form drowsy driving that cause serious permanent injuries and even the death of the driver and others drivers, passengers, bicyclists, motorcyclists, and pedestrians. It was also reported by the CDC that more than 70 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders. This is quite an alarming statistic and shows that here are millions of Americans on the road at risk of falling alseep or temporary dozing off while at the control of a motor vehicle.

Florida has unique laws and regulations in place that apply to automobile accidents. The laws can be confusing and, at times, can appear to be unfair. In most automobile accident cases, there is an insurance company to deal with. Adjusters are well trained and handle thousands of cases every year. Insurance companies are well represented by investigators, adjusters, claims representative, and, yes, attorneys. You should also be represented to make sure that your legal rights are properly protected. David Wolf handles automobile accidents on a contingency basis. That means that if there is no recovery, there are no costs or attorney fees charged by David Wolf. He also provides Free Consultations to prospective personal injury clients days, nights, and weekends. If you need to speak or meet with David Wolf, he will be there for you. David Wolf firmly believes in Giving a Voice to Car Accident Victims and Their Families.

If you, a loved one, or friend has been the victim of an accident caused by a drowsy driver OR simply a careless or negligent driver, contact automobile accident attorney David Wolf. Based in Jacksonville, Florida, David Wolf handles a wide variety of personal injury cases including those that relate to car, truck, and motorcycle accidents. David Wolf personally represents each of his clients. While there is a full support staff in place, David Wolf will be you main contact on the case from sign up to the rightful conclusion of the case. Contact David Wolf today for a Free Consultation. Get D Wolf On Your Side At Your Side.

Car Accidents
Client Reviews
I was in need of legal advice and David was there to assist. I was given advice most attorneys would charge outrageous fees for. When I called David promptly replied, got a grasp of my issue and gave wonderful advice and then referred me to someone who could better handle my issue. I would highly recommend him and if anything else comes up, my first call will be to him. Tracey
David did a great job representing my family in a recent legal matter. He provided great communication in a clear, concise and timely manner. He thoroughly outlined what our options were and answered all our questions. We were extremely pleased with the outcome and highly recommend anyone seeking legal counsel to contact him. David
David Wolf has provided legal advice and representation to me on a variety of issues. I have referred family members and friends to him as well. Whenever a legal issue arises, he is the first person I contact because I am always provided prompt and practical legal advice. I know that I am not David’s only client but he sure does his best to make me and others feel that way. Jill Kestner
David did an outstanding job with my case from start to finish. He was professional and courteous throughout the process and he made sure that I stayed informed. I would recommend him to anyone seeking legal counsel. Adam
David Wolfe was very prompt in returning my call for advice. He was sensitive to my issue, gave clear legal advice, with creative options. Extremely thorough and caring. Will use him in future if in need again and will refer him to family and friends. Jo
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