Jacksonville, Florida, USA downtown city skyline on St. Johns River.

Life Lessons Learned at the Golden Arches (McDonald's) by David Wolf

McDonald's - David Wolf

During David Wolf's senior year of high school in Miami, Florida, the McDonald's located at 12647 South Dixie Highway was complete renovated and rebuilt. During the construction, there was signage posted in the form of Now Hiring. With his school work as an A average and the need to help pay for his truck payment, gas, and extra spending money, David Wolf put in his application and went through the interview process. This essentially would be his first job outside of the family business of landscaping and plant nursery work. It was a welcome change to work inside; however, as David soon learned, the work was just as hard and at a much faster pace. Upon being hired and issued the polyester brown uniform and matching brown paper hat, David embarked on his training sessions and then right into the a variety of jobs and assignments. David was trained to do grill work, fry work, cashier responsibilities, garbage detail, semi-truck deliveries, front end and dining room cleanup, and, yes, bathroom clean up. Each job / task had its own unique challenges.

The most challenging position was in front of the grill. Back in 1982-1983, the McDonald's stores were not as automated or computerized. Generally, orders would be called back. For example, one such order would be as follows: "Six regulars and Six Regulars with Cheese." Upon receipt of these orders, the grill workers were expected to repair the order and then always say "Thank You." It would have been much easier just to make the regular hamburgers and cheeseburgers all day; however, grill work required the cooking / assembling of hamburgers, cheeseburger, quarter pounders, and big macs. Each sandwich had its own ingredients and bread. The Big Mac required the toasting of three different levels of bread. That's right, as grill cooks, we were required to cook the meat which were guided by a timer to flip the burgers and we were also required to toast the buns, assemble the sandwiches, wrap the sandwiches, and then place the sandwiches up front with the announcement of the number and type of sandwiches prepared. All of these tasks needed to be performed with a flow, rhythm, and speed that did not allow for any distractions or horsing around. The three pillars of McDonald's were also part of the work day and process - Quality - Service - Cleanliness otherwise known as QSC.

Back in 1982 - 1983, working at McDonald's was not a glamorous and sought after job by many of David Wolf's high school classmates. This really did not matter to him as he was working through his truck payments, getting some extra spending money, and (little did he know back then) getting some really good life lessons about hard work. Just because a job is not looked up as an esteemed position or one that pays less than some other positions, it is still a job (and person) that need to be respected.

Fast forward to the present day, David Wolf has now been practicing law for over 30 years. He focuses his practice in the field of personal injury and has handled a number of very complicated and challenging cases ranging from thousands of dollars to millions of dollars. That's right, a smaller dollar case presents challenges just like that of a higher collar cases. Throughout his legal career, David Wolf has kept that first job behind the grill at McDonald's in mind. David Wolf appreciates where he has come from and what it took to work at McDonald's and then follow his goal to be an attorney.

The next time that you are at McDonald's or any other place of business - take a moment to thank the person serving you for the hard work and dedication to the job. Keep in mind that these jobs are challenging and require dedication, speed, and skill to get the work completed.

David Wolf chose to be a personal injury attorney because people from all walks of life can hire him. He provides a Free Consultation on all personal injury cases. If he accepts the case for representation, he will handle the case on a contingency basis which means that there will not be any charges for costs or attorney fees unless there is a financial recovery / settlement. You want fries with that? Well, David Wolf does not cook up the fries, chicken nuggets, Big Macs, Quarter Pounders, cheeseburgers, hamburgers, or apple pies any longer; however, he remembers well how each item was ordered, cooked up, packaged, and ready to serve to customers.

Contact Attorney David Wolf today at (904) 500-WOLF (9623) or dwolf@davidalanwolf.com for a Free Consultation.

Client Reviews
I was in need of legal advice and David was there to assist. I was given advice most attorneys would charge outrageous fees for. When I called David promptly replied, got a grasp of my issue and gave wonderful advice and then referred me to someone who could better handle my issue. I would highly recommend him and if anything else comes up, my first call will be to him. Tracey