Bookshelf of David Alan Wolf - Take a Look
During the past 10 years, David Alan Wolf has authored 12 books on a variety of personal injury and safety-related topics. He firmly believes in Giving a Voice to Injury Victims and Their Families. In his library, you will find the books he authored and other research-related reference books. In addition, the library has two shelves dedicated to items as reminders and mementos of travel and personal history.
Take a look, and let's explore further as to the meaning behind these objects for David Alan Wolf.

- Empire State Building. The Empire State Building is an iconic building based right in the heart of New York City. It consists of 102 stories and has a visitor center and observation deck. It is located at 20 West 34th Street, New York, New York 10001. David Wolf and his family have visited the Empire State Building. David and his wife (Robin) also own a piece of the building. In the 1960s, there was an investment opportunity put together to own a fractional share of the Empire State Building. Robin's grandparents (Robert and Anna Bloom) purchased a fractional share. Their names, along with other investors, were placed on a plaque inside the building. David and Robin Wolf only own a very, very, very small portion of the Empire State Building. Nevertheless, it is something special to own a piece of Americana and to be connected to such an iconic building.
- Florida Gator Chips / Business Cards. The Gator Chip also doubles as a business card for David Wolf. The front of the chip has a Wolf, and the text "- David Alan Wolf - Attorney." The back of the chip has the words "Proud UF Graduate - Free Consultation to All Gators - 900-500-9653 (WOLF)." This chip is a tribute to the University of Florida roots of David Wolf and his family. His father-in-law and mother-in-law attended the University of Florida in the 1950s. Currently, both of the Wolf children are University of Florida students. David Wolf is a Double Gator graduate with degrees in Finance (1987) and Law (1990) from the University of Florida.
- David Wolf Bobblehead. This "one of a kind" bobblehead proudly stands on the bookshelf. The bobblehead is dressed in the attire of a crisp blue suit and red tie. It is a symbol of sorts that David Wolf is ready for action. The bobblehead exudes a confident "can do" attitude that David Wolf does his best to incorporate in his day-to-day work for his clients.
- Get D Wolf Mini-Billboard. David Wolf is not a billboard or TV attorney. This is the only billboard that you will find with David Wolf's name and phone number on it. While law firms and lawyers are allowed to advertise on billboards and TV, David Wolf prefers not to. He focuses his time and efforts on his clients, caseload, and grassroots forms of marketing like word of mouth recommendations, including online Reviews. He also is proud of this informative website, along with the 12 books and 4,000 plus articles that he has written over the years.
- Red, Gold, Silver, and Blue Chips. These are additional chips that double as business cards. Over the years, David Wolf has distributed thousands of these chips by handing one out at a time to clients, contacts, and people he meets. He provides a Free Consultation on all personal injury matters and has been the "go to" attorney for his clients and generations of families through his over 30 years of practice.
- The Howling Wolf. Here are two wolves engaged in a morning, afternoon, or evening howl. The Wolf is a symbol of strength and power. It is also a symbol that is consistent with David Wolf's mission of Giving a Voice to Injury Victims and Their Families. In the aftermath of a personal injury, it is important to get an experienced personal injury attorney in place for advice, guidance, direction, fierce representation, and, yes, for a voice to protect and enforce the legal rights of the victim and victim's family.
- Statue of Liberty. Here is another New York icon that stands in New York Harbor. The message inscribed on the Statue of Liberty is as follows:
Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I left my lamp beside the golden door!
In 1899, members of the family of David and Robin Wolf arrived in New York Harbor on the S.S. Rotterdam. The manifest for the ship listed 13 members of the family, including Robin's Great Grandmother. The manifest also reported the amount of money brought over from Russia. For the family members they collectively had $10. In present-day dollars, this amounted to about $300. As such, each family member carried about $23 to start a new life here in the United States. This was not much money to start off with; however, through strength, a strong family bond, and perseverance, the family carried on and did their best to earn a living and acclimate to their new home. Over the years, the family spread out to different parts of the United States and the world. Certainly, the Statue of Liberty is a symbol of modest beginnings, hope, and freedom.
- Jacksonville Jaguars NFL Football Hat. Based in Jacksonville, Florida. David Wolf is a Jaguars fan. He sees the Jacksonville Jaguars as much more than a football team but an important part of the fabric of the North Florida community. Some great players and coaches have been connected with this team through the years. David Wolf is a fan of those Jaguars players who show their athletic talent on the field and their philanthropic efforts and acts of kindness off the field. While the Jacksonville Jaguars have endured many losing seasons and heartaches, David Wolf knows that a true fan sticks with the team through thick and thin times.
- Wolf Coin. A few years ago, the first Wolf Coin was minted. The coin is 1.5 inches in diameter and weighs about 1 ounce. The Wolf Coin is a double-sided coin. On the front, there is the image of a Wolf with the words - "In Wolf We Trust" and "David Alan Wolf". On the back, there is the image of the Scales of Justice with the words - "Personal Injury Attorney" and "904-500-WOLF (9653)". The Wolf Coin is the same size as military challenge coins that are minted for individual military divisions. Trust is an important part of the Attorney-Client Relationship. While it is cool to have a custom made coin to commemorate a law practice, trust is something that is earned through the power of action and the power of honoring one's word.
- Disney Hat. David Wolf lives just two hours from the "Happiest Place on Earth," otherwise known as Walt Disney World. As a lifelong Florida Resident, David Wolf and his family have visited the Magic Kingdom many times. It is a place filled with wonder, song, iconic characters, fun rides, and, yes lots of sweets and fast food. While the typical day is not one filled with the sound of "It's a Small World," there is a certain positivity that is associated with Disney.
- Trays of More Wolf Chips. The two white trays on the bottom shelf are filled with chips.