Most coverage for property damage have deductibles. Deductibles apply whenever a claim is made for property damage. This means you will pay the deductible amount agreed upon when you purchased the insurance for each occurrence that causes damage to your motorcycle. For many current and former clients, motorcycle accident attorney David Wolf is contacted about insurance issues and coverage. David Wolf provides a Free Consultation on motorcycle insurance and accident issues even if it is a general question the recommended coverage.
Common Motorcycle Insurance Deductibles$250 is the most common deductible. Some deductibles can top $1000. Some policies have no deductible. By example, if you have a $1000 deductible and the cost to repair your motorcycle is $950, you will pay for the entire repair. On the other hand, if you have no deductible, the insurance company will pay the full price of the repair. Deductibles are a matter of cost. It costs more for insurance if there is no deductible and costs less if there is. The higher the deductible, the lower the premium. The best way of looking at a deductible is this, how much more money do I want to spend repairing my motorcycle after paying for my premiums? The authors recommend not adding insult to injury and to select the lowest deductible you can afford. It is also recommended that you keep records of all maintenance and betterments added to the motorcycle so that you will be prepared to negotiate the fair market value with your claims adjuster should the need arise.
In the aftermath of a motorcycle accident, there are a host of challenges and issues that face the injured motorcyclist. The deductible which would apply to the Collision insurance portion of the motorcycle insurance policy is just one of the many issues and questions that arise. It is important for the injured biker to seek out and obtain legal representation to make sure that the insurance company is complying with the terms of the insurance policy. A motorcyclist has certain legal rights when he or she is injured as a result of a motorcycle accident caused by the fault, negligence, or carelessness of another driver. It should also be noted that every single insurance company out there has its own staff and army in place to protect the interests of the insurance company. The motorcycle accident victim should place his or her own army in place by retaining an experienced motorcycle accident attorney to assist and advocate for the legal rights of the motorcyclist.
Motorcycle Accident Attorney David Wolf Will Handle all Aspects of Your CaseWhen seeking our legal representation for a motorcycle accident, hire an attorney who will handle all aspect of the motorcycle accident case including the issues related to the property damage, repairs, total loss, and diminished value of the motorcycle. As a motorcycle owner, you are entitled to pursue the case and claim for the repairs to the motorcycle and / or compensation for the loss of the motorcycle. Certainly, your motorcycle is important to you and if something is important to you - it is also important to David Wolf - your motorcycle accident attorney.
David Wolf is the author of a number of books that focus on personal injury and safety matters including motorcycle accidents. He has been interviewed by Time Magazine on personal injury issues and is well respected in the community and the State of Florida by his clients, former clients, and colleagues as a personal injury attorney with a strong work ethic and and dedication to this clients.
Contact David Wolf for a Free ConsultationDavid Wolf is available days, nights, and weekends for his current clients, former clients, and, yes, his prospective clients. Contact David Wolf right now (904) 500-9653 or e-mail him at and see what an be done regarding your motorcycle damages and your personal injuries. Get D Wolf On Your Side - At Your Side.