In the aftermath of an automobile accident, it is important to get timely and proper treatment. Neither your insurance company or the other driver's insurance company will advise you as to when, how, or where to get medical treatment. It will suit the insurance companies (yes both insurance companies) just fine if you delay your treatment, if you get minimal treatment, and if you see medical providers that lack the credentials, know how, and expertise to provide proper treatment and diagnosis of the injuries.
A parable, which is a short story to illustrate a universal truth, is in order. Let's take the story of Goldilocks who got lost in the woods and found the bears' house. Goldilocks was tired and tried out three beds. The mama bear's bed was too soft. The papa bear's bed was too hard. The baby bear's bed was just right. When it comes to treatment, insurance companies will typically argue that there was not enough treatment (too soft) or there was too much treatment (too soft). At times, insurance companies will concede that the treatment was just right for the injuries sustained.
In the aftermath of an automobile accident, it is important for the injury victim to get timely treatment, proper treatment, and consistent treatment from qualified and experienced medical providers. Many doctors in any given community will not treatment an automobile accident victim for a variety of reasons including but not limited to aversion to processing bills to an automobile insurance carrier and lack of understanding of the process and documentation requirements for these matters.
There are generally five types of treatment to get following an automobile accident:
Initial Treatment. This typically includes an evaluation and treatment through an emergency room, urgent care center, primary care doctor, chiropractor, or specialist.
Follow Up Treatment / Therapy. This can be provided by a chiropractor, physical therapy, or medical practice provides such treatment.
Diagnostic Testing. This can include x-rays, CT Scans, MRIs, and other studies depending on the symptoms and type of injuries sustained.
Speciality Treatment. This can include treatment from an orthopedic surgeon, neurologist, pain management doctor, and / or other specialist.
Surgical Evaluation / Surgery. This can include evaluation / treatment from an orthopedic surgeon, neurosurgeon, or other surgeon depending on the symptoms and type of injuries sustained.
Like Goldilocks who needed the right bed to fit her needs, an injury victim will need to find the right fit of treatment to meet the medical needs following an automobile accident. Some victims will have an initial evaluation and then just basic therapy as needed. Others will get treatment from a number of different providers including a surgery if the symptoms / injuries persist over time and require such treatment.
Insurance companies will evaluate the case based on the above types of treatment / testing. It is important that the issue of fault for the crash is only the beginning of the story. Goldilocks walked to the front door of the bears's house. Certainly. there is more to the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears than the fact that Goldilocks approached the front door of the bears' house.
Certainly, a personal injury case is far more complicated than a children's fable. As such, it makes sense to contact an experienced personal injury attorney for advice, guidance and legal representation.
David Alan Wolf provides free consultations for personal injury cases. He has been handling personal injury cases for over 32 years and is ready to help you today. David Alan Wolf is the author of 12 books including the book titled - Florida Automobile Accidents - Personal Injuries - Keys to Protecting and Enforcing Your Legal Rights.
Contact David Alan Wolf at (386) 348-9645 or via e-mail at It is important to Give a Voice to Injury Victims and Their Families. David Alan Wolf can be that voice and so much more.